- Each unit may be used singularly or as a combination for effective product cleaning. The Floatation Washer unit uses water to allow small lighter foreign material such as leaves, chips of wood, polyethene/polystyrene etc. to float to the surface thus separating from the heavier vegetable produce.
- The Stone Remover is designed on a flotation principle Product is transported over a series of rifle plates where denser than product material is deposited.
- An efficient combination of units for separating stones, sand, glass, metal, wood and other foreign matter from peas, beans and similar materials.
- Flotation washer and de stoner designed to allow use singularly or in combination
- The flotation tank uses careful design and water flows to separate buoyant material from the raw material. Water is recirculated to the flotation tank through a filter box to collect debris.
- The destoning race uses a series of riffle plates to trap dense matter whilst the more buoyant raw material passes over in the water flow.
- The riffle plates are lifted periodically to allow dense debris to collected and removed from the system.
- A pumped, recirculating system with automated level control minimises water use